We are one of the leading manufacturer of Demand Flow Regulator.
Demand Flow Regulator Used For Calibration Gases, Pump Based Instruments And Hand Held Gas Detectors. Demand Flow Regulator Supply Gas As Demanded By The Instrument And Automatically Shuts Off.
The Govind Demand Flow Regulators for 34ltr, 58ltr, and 110ltr is designed to be used with instruments that utilize a pump to draw calibration gases.
The regulator provides the exact amount of gas the instrument pump requires. This type of regulator makes calibration quick and easy by eliminating the need for sample bags, flow meters, or special operator training. In addition, it saves calibration gas because it only transfers as much gas as the instrument demands. The DFR is normally off and is only turned on by a downstream suction of greater than 3” water (5.6mm Hg), which is exceeded by all pumped Systems Instruments.
Demand Flow Regulator is used mainly for docking stations and regulator is set to open only under vacuum of 3-inch water column which gives a flow rate of 0-3 L/Mn.
The regulator comes in both standard C10 connection and High-Pressure NPT connection.